Steam Engineering

Steam Systems
Steam systems remain in widespread use in key areas of manufacturing, industrial processes, health care, food products, beverages, health products, campus/community scale energy distribution, heavy industry, and power generation. We have considerable experience in the design of steam systems under 250 psig operating pressure, packaged steam generation boilers, sterilization steam, and in the following areas:
- New system designs, including piping, steam generating equipment, feedwater, deaeration
- Automatic controls, piping retrofits and extensions
- Diagnosis of stained or wet sterilizer loads
- Conversion of facilities from steam to hot water heat
- Feedwater and condensate transfer pumps
- Water chemistry, treatment, and corrosion protection, including food-safe chemical treatment
- Steam boiler replacements
- Troubleshooting, load studies, peer reviews, and design assist
- Stack heat recovery, and the correct piping of heat recovery devices
- Automatic stack draft control
- Humidification and live steam humidification
- Coils, converters / heat exchangers, and specialized pipeline components