LaFarge Holcim Geocycle Fuel Storage Barn Dust Hazard Audit
CURA provided a preliminary dust hazard audit for the fuel storage barn located at the LaFarge Holcim portland cement manufacturing facility in Richmond BC. The Geocycle drying oven at the facility can use a variety of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; including combination fuel blends depending on the availability and pricing of fuels in the marketplace.
Solid fuels are stored under cover on site within an indoor fuel storage barn and consist of post-consumer sorted municipal solid waste, paper, cardboard, plastics, carpets, rubber tires; and wood waste from wood recycling and local sawmills can also be utilized by the Geocycle burner and stored in the fuel barn.
Please contact us for any of your dust control and dust hazard mitigation projects.
File Number: 1420-0106.00
Location: Richmond, BC
Sector: Industrial, Manufacturing
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